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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Enterasys Networks » ENTERASYS-UPN-TC-MIB

ENTERASYS-UPN-TC-MIB device MIB details by Enterasys Networks


The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing ENTERASYS-UPN-TC-MIB.

Vendor: Enterasys Networks
Mib: ENTERASYS-UPN-TC-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)

--  enterasys-upn-tc-mib.txt
--  Part Number:

--  This module provides authoritative definitions for Enterasys 
--  Networks' UPN textual conventions.

--  This module will be extended, as needed.

--  Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in this
--  specification and other information contained in this document
--  without prior notice.  The reader should consult Enterasys Networks
--  to determine whether any such changes have been made.
--  In no event shall Enterasys Networks be liable for any incidental,
--  indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including
--  but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this
--  document or the information contained in it, even if Enterasys
--  Networks has been advised of, known, or should have known, the
--  possibility of such damages.
--  Enterasys Networks grants vendors, end-users, and other interested
--  parties a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in 
--  connection with the management of Enterasys Networks products.

--  Copyright February 2004 Enterasys Networks, Inc.

        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        FROM SNMPv2-TC

    LAST-UPDATED "200402032200Z"  -- Tue Feb  3 22:00 GMT 2004
    ORGANIZATION "Enterasys Networks, Inc."
        "Postal:  Enterasys Networks
                  50 Minuteman Rd.
                  Andover, MA 01810-1008
         Phone:   +1 978 684 1000
        "This MIB module defines textual conventions related to 
         the management of User Personalized Networks.  The 
         conventions defined below are applicable for use in all
         Enterasys Networks' MIB definitions."

    REVISION    "200402032200Z"  -- Tue Feb  3 22:00 GMT 2004
        "Changed naming from StationIdentifier to StationAddress to
         align naming with ongoing work in the IETF."

    REVISION    "200402031533Z"  -- Tue Feb  3 15:33 GMT 2004
        "The initial version of this MIB module."
    ::= { etsysModules 44 } 

StationAddressType ::=  TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "A value representing a network address that can be used
         to identify a station on the network.
         unknown(0)  An unknown address type. This value MUST
                     be used if the value of the corresponding
                     StationAddress object is a zero-length string.
                     It may also be used to indicate an station address
                     which is not in one of the formats defined
         ipv4(1)     An IPv4 address as defined by the
                     InetAddressIPv4 textual convention as defined
                     in RFC3291.
         ipv6(2)     An IPv6 address as defined by the
                     StationAddressIPv6 textual convention below.
         mac(3)      An 802.3 MAC layer address, i.e. an
                     Ethernet address, defined by the
                     MacAddress textual convention as defined
                     in RFC2579.
         dns(16)     A DNS domain name as defined by the
                     InetAddressDNS textual convention as defined
                     in RFC3291.
         Each definition of a concrete StationAddressType value must 
         be accompanied by a definition of a textual convention for use
         with that StationAddressType.
         The StationAddressType textual convention SHOULD NOT be 
         subtyped in object type definitions to support future extensions.
         It MAY be subtyped in compliance statements in order to require
         only a subset of these address types for a compliant
        "STD0058 (RFC2579), Textual Conventions for SMIv2.
         RFC3291, Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses."
    SYNTAX       INTEGER {

    STATUS      current
        "Denotes a generic Internet address.

         An StationAddress value is always interpreted within the 
         context of an StationAddressType value. Every usage of the
         StationAddress textual convention is required to specify 
         the StationAddressType object which provides the context.  
         It is suggested that the StationAddressType object is 
         logically registered before the object(s) which use the 
         StationAddress textual convention if they appear in the 
         same logical row.

         The value of an StationAddress object must always be
         consistent with the value of the associated StationAddressType
         object. Attempts to set an StationAddress object to a value
         which is inconsistent with the associated StationAddressType
         must fail with an inconsistentValue error.

         When this textual convention is used as the syntax of an
         index object, there may be issues with the limit of 128
         sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2, STD 58. In this case,
         the object definition MUST include a 'SIZE' clause to
         limit the number of potential instance sub-identifiers."
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))

   StationAddressIPv6 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     DISPLAY-HINT "2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x:2x%4d"
     STATUS       current
         "Represents an IPv6 network address:

            octets   contents         encoding
             1-16    IPv6 address     network-byte order
            17-20    scope identifier network-byte order

          The corresponding InetAddressType value is ipv6(2).

          The scope identifier (bytes 17-20) MUST NOT be present
          for global IPv6 addresses. For non-global IPv6 addresses
          (e.g. link-local or site-local addresses), the scope
          identifier MUST always be present. It contains a link
          identifier for link-local and a site identifier for
          site-local IPv6 addresses.

          The scope identifier MUST disambiguate identical address
          values. For link-local addresses, the scope identifier will
          typically be the interface index (ifIndex as defined in the
          IF-MIB, RFC 2233) of the interface on which the address is

          The scope identifier may contain the special value 0
          which refers to the default scope. The default scope
          may be used in cases where the valid scope identifier
          is not known (e.g., a management application needs to
          write a site-local StationIdIPv6 address without
          knowing the site identifier value). The default scope
          SHOULD NOT be used as an easy way out in cases where
          the scope identifier for a non-global IPv6 is known."
     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (16|20))