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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Hewlett Packard » HPNSAPCI-MIB

HPNSAPCI-MIB device MIB details by Hewlett Packard

HPNSAPCI-MIB file content

The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing HPNSAPCI-MIB.

Vendor: Hewlett Packard
Mib: HPNSAPCI-MIB  [download]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- ****************************************************************************
-- September 7, 1994
-- Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1994.
-- All rights reserved.
-- The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
-- The HP enterprise number is 11. The ASN.1 prefix to, and including,
-- the HP enterprise ID is
-- ****************************************************************************
-- Summary of objects in the HP NSA PCI Information MIB
-- ****************************************************************************
-- hp                                           (
--    nm                                        (hp.2)
--       hpnsa                                  (nm.23)
--          hpnsaPci Group                      (hpnsa.10)
--             hpnsaPciMibRev Group             (hpnsa.10.1)
--                hpnsaPciMibRevMajor           (hpnsa.10.1.1)
--                hpnsaPciMibRevMinor           (hpnsa.10.1.2)
--             hpnsaPciAgent Group              (hpnsa.10.2)
--                hpnsaPciAgentTable            (hpnsa.10.2.1)
--                   hpnsaPciAgentEntry         (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciAgentIndex      (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciAgentName       (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciAgentVersion    (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciAgentDate       (hpnsa.
--             hpnsaPciBios Group               (hpnsa.10.3)
--                hpnsaPciBiosPresent           (hpnsa.10.3.1)
--                hpnsaPciBiosVersion           (hpnsa.10.3.2)
--                hpnsaPciBuses                 (hpnsa.10.3.3)
--             hpnsaPciConfig Group             (hpnsa.10.4)
--                hpnsaPciTable                 (hpnsa.10.4.1)
--                   hpnsaPciEntry              (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciBusIndex        (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciDeviceIndex     (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciFunctionIndex   (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciVendorId        (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciDeviceId        (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciRevisionId      (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciHeaderType      (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciClassCode       (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciCommand         (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciStatus          (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciCacheLineSize   (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciLatencyTimer    (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciBist            (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciInterruptLine   (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciInterruptPin    (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciMaxLat          (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciMinGnt          (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciBaseAddrRegs    (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciExpRomBaseAddr  (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciDeviceSpecific  (hpnsa.
-- The PCI group provides a set of tables that detail the
-- configuration information regarding the PCI configuration.
-- Implementation of the hpnsaPci group is optional.
-- The hpnsaPci group should be included on any system with an PCI
-- bus architecture.
-- ****************************************************************************

      enterprises    FROM RFC1155-SMI
      DisplayString  FROM RFC1213-MIB
      OBJECT-TYPE    FROM RFC-1212;

   hp                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 11 }
   nm                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hp 2 }
   hpnsa               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nm 23 }
   hpnsaPci            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpnsa 10 }
   hpnsaPciMibRev      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpnsaPci 1 }
   hpnsaPciAgent       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpnsaPci 2 }
   hpnsaPciBios        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpnsaPci 3 }
   hpnsaPciConfig      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpnsaPci 4 }

-- ****************************************************************************
-- HP NSA PCI Information MIB Revision
-- ===================================
-- hp                                           (
--    nm                                        (hp.2)
--       hpnsa                                  (nm.23)
--          hpnsaPci Group                      (hpnsa.10)
--             hpnsaPciMibRev Group             (hpnsa.10.1)
--                hpnsaPciMibRevMajor           (hpnsa.10.1.1)
--                hpnsaPciMibRevMinor           (hpnsa.10.1.2)
-- Implementation of the MibRev group is mandatory for all HPNSA Agents
-- supporting the HP PCI System Information MIB.
-- An HPNSA Agent conforming to this document will return a
-- hpnsaPciMibRevMajor of 1 and a hpnsaPciMibRevMinor of 0.
-- ****************************************************************************

   hpnsaPciMibRevMajor OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "The major revision level of the MIB."
   ::= { hpnsaPciMibRev 1 }

   hpnsaPciMibRevMinor OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "The minor revision level of the MIB."
   ::= { hpnsaPciMibRev 2 }

-- ****************************************************************************
-- HP NSA PCI Info MIB Agent Information
-- =====================================
-- hp                                           (
--    nm                                        (hp.2)
--       hpnsa                                  (nm.23)
--          hpnsaPci Group                      (hpnsa.10)
--             hpnsaPciAgent Group              (hpnsa.10.2)
--                hpnsaPciAgentTable            (hpnsa.10.2.1)
--                   hpnsaPciAgentEntry         (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciAgentIndex      (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciAgentName       (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciAgentVersion    (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciAgentDate       (hpnsa.
-- Implementation of the PCI Agent group is mandatory for all HPNSA Agents
-- supporting the HP PCI Information MIB.
-- ****************************************************************************

   hpnsaPciAgentTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HPnsaPciAgentEntry
      ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS mandatory
         "A table of SNMP agents that satisfy requests for this MIB."
   ::= { hpnsaPciAgent 1 }

   hpnsaPciAgentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX HPnsaPciAgentEntry
      ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS mandatory
         "A description of the agent/agents that access PCI information."
      INDEX { hpnsaPciAgentIndex }
   ::= { hpnsaPciAgentTable 1 }

   HPnsaPciAgentEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      hpnsaPciAgentIndex       INTEGER,
      hpnsaPciAgentName        DisplayString,
      hpnsaPciAgentVersion     DisplayString,
      hpnsaPciAgentDate        OCTET STRING

   hpnsaPciAgentIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "A unique index for this agent."
   ::= { hpnsaPciAgentEntry 1 }

   hpnsaPciAgentName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Name of the agent/agents satisfying SNMP requests for this MIB."
   ::= { hpnsaPciAgentEntry 2 }

   hpnsaPciAgentVersion OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Version number of the agent/agents satisfying SNMP requests for
         this MIB."
   ::= { hpnsaPciAgentEntry 3 }

   hpnsaPciAgentDate OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "The date on which this agent was created.

         field  octets  contents                  range
            1       1    years since 1900          0..255
            2       2    month                     1..12
            3       3    day                       1..31
            4       4    hour                      0..23
            5       5    minute                    0..59
            6       6    second                    0..59"
   ::= { hpnsaPciAgentEntry 4 }

-- ****************************************************************************
-- HP NSA PCI BIOS MIB Information
-- ===============================
-- hp                                           (
--    nm                                        (hp.2)
--       hpnsa                                  (nm.23)
--          hpnsaPci Group                      (hpnsa.10)
--             hpnsaPciBios Group               (hpnsa.10.3)
--                hpnsaPciBiosPresent           (hpnsa.10.3.1)
--                hpnsaPciBiosVersion           (hpnsa.10.3.2)
--                hpnsaPciBuses                 (hpnsa.10.3.3)
-- ****************************************************************************

   hpnsaPciBiosPresent OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Identifies whether PCI BIOS is present.
         0 = not present, 1 = PCI BIOS present."
   ::= { hpnsaPciBios 1 }

   hpnsaPciBiosVersion OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "The PCI BIOS version number:
         low byte = minor version, high byte = major version."
   ::= { hpnsaPciBios 2 }

   hpnsaPciBuses OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Number of PCI buses in the system"
   ::= { hpnsaPciBios 3 }

-- ****************************************************************************
-- HP NSA PCI Configuration Table
-- ==============================
-- hp                                           (
--    nm                                        (hp.2)
--       hpnsa                                  (nm.23)
--          hpnsaPci Group                      (hpnsa.10)
--             hpnsaPciConfig Group             (hpnsa.10.4)
--                hpnsaPciTable                 (hpnsa.10.4.1)
--                   hpnsaPciEntry              (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciBusIndex        (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciDeviceIndex     (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciFunctionIndex   (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciVendorId        (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciDeviceId        (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciRevisionId      (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciHeaderType      (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciClassCode       (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciCommand         (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciStatus          (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciCacheLineSize   (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciLatencyTimer    (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciBist            (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciInterruptLine   (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciInterruptPin    (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciMaxLat          (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciMinGnt          (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciBaseAddrRegs    (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciExpRomBaseAddr  (hpnsa.
--                      hpnsaPciDeviceSpecific  (hpnsa.
-- Implementation of the PCI Config Table is mandatory for all
-- HPNSA Agents supporting the HP PCI information MIB.
-- ****************************************************************************

   hpnsaPciTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpnsaPciEntry
      ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS mandatory
         "A list of PCI device/functions entries."
   ::= { hpnsaPciConfig 1 }

   hpnsaPciEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX HpnsaPciEntry
      ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS mandatory
         "A description of an PCI device/function."
      INDEX { hpnsaPciBusIndex, hpnsaPciDeviceIndex,
         hpnsaPciFunctionIndex }
   ::= { hpnsaPciTable 1 }

   HpnsaPciEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      hpnsaPciBusIndex              INTEGER (0..255),        -- mandatory
      hpnsaPciDeviceIndex           INTEGER (0..31),         -- mandatory
      hpnsaPciFunctionIndex         INTEGER (0..7),          -- mandatory
      hpnsaPciVendorId              INTEGER,                 -- mandatory
      hpnsaPciDeviceId              INTEGER,                 -- mandatory
      hpnsaPciRevisionId            INTEGER,                 -- mandatory
      hpnsaPciHeaderType            INTEGER (0..255),        -- mandatory
      hpnsaPciClassCode             OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)), -- mandatory
      hpnsaPciCommand               INTEGER,                 -- r/w?
      hpnsaPciStatus                INTEGER,                 -- r/w to reset?
      hpnsaPciCacheLineSize         INTEGER (0..255),        -- r/w?
      hpnsaPciLatencyTimer          INTEGER (0..255),
      hpnsaPciBist                  INTEGER (0..255),        -- r/w?
      hpnsaPciInterruptLine         INTEGER (0..255),
      hpnsaPciInterruptPin          INTEGER (0..255),
      hpnsaPciMaxLat                INTEGER (0..255),
      hpnsaPciMinGnt                INTEGER (0..255),
      hpnsaPciBaseAddrRegs          OCTET STRING (SIZE (24)),
      hpnsaPciExpRomBaseAddr        OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)),
      hpnsaPciDeviceSpecific        OCTET STRING (SIZE (192))

   hpnsaPciBusIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "The PCI Bus number that this entry describes."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 1 }

   hpnsaPciDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..31)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "The PCI device or slot number that this entry describes."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 2 }

   hpnsaPciFunctionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "The PCI function that this entry describes."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 3 }

   hpnsaPciVendorId OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Identifies the manufacturer of the device. 0xFFFF is an
         invalid value for a vendor ID.

                Vendor ID       Manufacturer
                ---------       ------------
                  XXXX          Hewlett-Packard Co."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 4 }

   hpnsaPciDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Identifies the particular device. This identier is allocated
         by the vendor.

                Device ID       Description
                ---------       ------------
                  XXXX          Blah! Blah!"
        ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 5 }

   hpnsaPciRevisionId OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Specifies a device specific revision identifier."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 6 }

   hpnsaPciHeaderType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Idendifies the layout of bytes 10h-3Fh in configuration
         space and whether or not the device contains multiple

         Bit 7:    1=multi-function device, 0=single function
         Bit 6-0:  Defines layout, 0 is only layout defined,
                   all other values are reserved."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 7 }

   hpnsaPciClassCode OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Identifies the generic function of the device.

        Base    Sub-    Prog
        Class   Class   If.    Meaning
        -----   -----   -----  -------
         00h                   Device built before Class Code
                                  definitions were finalized.
                 00h     00h   All currently implemented devices
                                  except VGA compatible devices.
                 01h     00h   VGA compatible device

         01h                   Mass Storage controller
                 00h     00h      SCSI bus controller
                 01h     00h      IDE controller
                 02h     00h      Floppy disk controller
                 03h     00h      IPI bus controller
                 80h     00h      Other mass storage controller

         02h                   Network controller
                 00h    00h       Ethernet controller
                 01h    00h       Token Ring controller
                 02h    00h       FDDI controller
                 80h    00h       Other network controller

         03h                   Display controller
                 00h    00h       VGA compatible controller
                 01h    00h       XGA controller
                 80h    00h       Other display controller

         04h                   Multimedia device
                 00h    00h       Video
                 01h    00h       Audio
                 80h    00h       Other multimedia device

         05h                   Memory controller
                 00h    00h       RAM
                 01h    00h       Flash
                 80h    00h       Other memory controller

         06h                   Bridge device
                 00h    00h       Host bridge
                 01h    00h       ISA bridge
                 02h    00h       EISA bridge
                 03h    00h       MC bridge
                 04h    00h       PCI-to-PCI bridge
                 05h    00h       PCMCIA bridge
                 80h    00h       Other bridge device

         07h-FEh               Reserved
         FFh                   Device does not fit in any
                                 defined classes."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 8 }

   hpnsaPciCommand OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Provides course control over a device's ability to generate
         and respond to PCI cylces.

         Bit     Description
         ---     ------------
          0      IO Space
          1      Memory Space
          2      Bus Master
          3      Special Cycles
          4      Memory Write and Invlaidate Enable
          5      VGA Palette snoop
          6      Parity Error Response
          7      Wait cycle control
          8      SERR# enable
          9      Fast Back-to-Back Enable
        10-15    Reserved"

   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 9 }

   hpnsaPciStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Status information for PCI bus related events.

         Bit     Description
         ---     ------------
         0-6     Reserved
          7      Fast Back-to-Back Capable
          8      Data Parity Detected
         9-10    DEVSEL timing; 00=fast, 01=medium, 10=slow
         11      Signal Target Abort
         12      Received Target Abort
         13      Received Master Abort
         14      Signaled System Error
         15      Detected Parity Error"
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 10 }

   hpnsaPciCacheLineSize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Specifies the system cache line size in units of 32-bit words."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 11 }

   hpnsaPciLatencyTimer OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Specifies, in units of PCI bus clocks, the value of the
         Latency Timer for this PCI bus master."
      ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 12 }

   hpnsaPciBist OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "This optional register is used for control and status
         of Built-in Self Test. Devices that don't support BIST
         must always return a value of 0.

         Bit     Description
         ---     ------------
          7      0=BIST not supported, 1=BIST supported
          6      Wrtie a 1 to invoke BIST. Devices resets the
                 bit when BIST is complet. Software should fail
                 device if BIST is not complete after 2 seconds.
         5-4     Reserved
         3-0     0=Device passed test, non-zero= device-specific
                 failure code."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 13 }

   hpnsaPciInterruptLine OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Communicates interrupt line routing information. The value
         in this register tells which input of the system interrupt
         contoller(s) the device's interrupt pin is connected to."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 14 }

   hpnsaPciInterruptPin OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Tells which interrupt pin the device uses."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 15 }

   hpnsaPciMaxLat OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Specifies how often the device needs to gain access to
         the PCI bus."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 16 }

   hpnsaPciMinGnt OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Specifies how long a burst period the device needs assuming
         a clock rate of 33MHz."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 17 }

   hpnsaPciBaseAddrRegs OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Base address mapping registers for memory and IO. Refer
         to the PCI specification for the format."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 18 }

   hpnsaPciExpRomBaseAddr OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "4-byte register is defined to handle the base address
         and size information for an expansion ROM.

         Bit     Description
         ---     ------------
        31-11    Expansion ROM Base Address (upper 21 bits)
        10-1     Reserved
          0      0 = address decoding is disabled and no access
                     to this space are allowed.
                 1 = address decoding enabled."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 19 }

   hpnsaPciDeviceSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
      ACCESS read-only
      STATUS mandatory
         "Device specific configuration space."
   ::= { hpnsaPciEntry 20 }