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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » RFC » HPR-IP-MIB

HPR-IP-MIB device MIB details by RFC

HPR-IP-MIB file content

The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing HPR-IP-MIB.

Vendor: RFC
Mib: HPR-IP-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- WinAgents MIB Extraction Wizard
-- Extracted from rfc2584.txt 16.03.2005 20:21:49


                    FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        DisplayString, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
                    FROM SNMPv2-TC
                    FROM SNMPv2-CONF
                    FROM APPN-MIB
        hprObjects, hprCompliances, hprGroups
                    FROM HPR-MIB  ;

   LAST-UPDATED "9809240000Z" -- September 24, 1998
               Bob Clouston
               Cisco Systems
               7025 Kit Creek Road
               P.O. Box 14987
               Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
               Tel:    1 919 472 2333

               Bob Moore
               IBM Corporation
               4205 S. Miami Boulevard
               P.O. Box 12195
               Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
               Tel:    1 919 254 4436
       "The MIB module for HPR over IP.  This module contains two

        -  the HPR over IP Monitoring Group provides a count of the UDP
           packets sent by a link station for each APPN traffic type.

        -  the HPR over IP Configuration Group provides for reading and
           setting the mappings between APPN traffic types and TOS
           Precedence settings in the IP header.  These mappings are

           configured at the APPN port level, and are inherited by the
           APPN connection networks and link stations associated with an
           APPN port.  A port-level mapping can, however, be overridden
           for a particular connection network or link station."
   REVISION  "9809240000Z" -- September 24, 1998
       "Initial version, Published as RFC 2584"

   ::= { hprObjects 5 }

-- *********************************************************************
-- Textual Conventions
-- *********************************************************************
      STATUS current
          "APPN traffic type.  The first four values correspond
          to APPN transmission priorities (network, high, medium and
          low), while the fifth is used for both LLC commands (XID,
          TEST, DISC, and DM) and function-routed NLPs (XID_DONE_RQ
          and XID_DONE_RSP)."

      SYNTAX INTEGER { low (1),
                       medium (2),
                       high (3),
                       network (4),
                       llcAndFnRoutedNlp (5) }

      STATUS current
          "A DisplayString representing the setting of the three TOS
          Precedence bits in the IP Type of Service field for this APPN
          traffic type.  The HPR over IP architecture specifies the
          following default mapping:

               APPN traffic type           IP TOS Precedence bits
               ------------------          ----------------------
                Network                     110
                High                        100
                Medium                      010
                Low                         001
                LLC commands, etc.          110

      SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(3))

-- *******************************************************************

-- hprObjects              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprMIB 1 }
-- *******************************************************************

-- *******************************************************************
-- HPR over IP Monitoring Group
-- This group contains a single table, the hprIsActiveLsTable,
-- providing a  count of UDP packets sent with each type of
-- APPN traffic on each active link supporting HPR over IP.
-- *******************************************************************
hprIpActiveLsTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HprIpActiveLsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "The HPR/IP active link station table.  This table provides
          counts of the number of UDP packets sent for each APPN
          traffic type."

      ::= { hprIp 1 }

hprIpActiveLsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX HprIpActiveLsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "Entry of the HPR/IP link station table."

      INDEX { hprIpActiveLsLsName,
              hprIpActiveLsAppnTrafficType }

      ::= { hprIpActiveLsTable 1 }

HprIpActiveLsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hprIpActiveLsLsName              DisplayString,
        hprIpActiveLsAppnTrafficType     AppnTrafficType,
        hprIpActiveLsUdpPackets          Counter32 }

hprIpActiveLsLsName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..10))
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "Administratively assigned name for the link station.  If this
          object has the same value as the appnLsName in the APPN MIB,
          then the two objects are referring to the same APPN link

      ::= { hprIpActiveLsEntry 1 }

hprIpActiveLsAppnTrafficType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX AppnTrafficType
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "APPN traffic type being sent through the link station."

      ::= { hprIpActiveLsEntry 2 }

hprIpActiveLsUdpPackets OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS current
          "The count of outgoing UDP packets carrying this type of APPN
          traffic.  A discontinuity in the counter is indicated by the
          appnLsCounterDisconTime object in the APPN MIB."

      ::= { hprIpActiveLsEntry 3 }

-- *******************************************************************
-- HPR over IP Configuration Group
-- This group contains three tables for reading and setting the
-- mapping between APPN traffic types and values for the TOS
-- Precedence bits in the IP header.  hprIpAppnPortTOSPrecedence
-- represents the APPN port-level mapping.  This mapping can be
-- overridden for an individual link station or an individual
-- connection network via, respectively, the hprIpLsTOSPrecedence
-- and the hprIpCnTOSPrecedence objects.
-- *******************************************************************

hprIpAppnPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HprIpAppnPortEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "The HPR/IP APPN port table.  This table supports reading and
          setting the mapping between APPN traffic types and TOS
          Precedence settings for all the link stations at this APPN
          port.  This mapping can be overridden for an individual link
          station or an individual connection network via, respectively,
          the hprIpLsTOSPrecedence and the hprIpCnTOSPrecedence objects."

      ::= { hprIp 2 }

hprIpAppnPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX HprIpAppnPortEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "Entry of the HPR/IP APPN port table.  Entries exist for
          every APPN port defined to support HPR over IP."

      INDEX { hprIpAppnPortName,
              hprIpAppnPortAppnTrafficType }

      ::= { hprIpAppnPortTable 1 }

HprIpAppnPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hprIpAppnPortName            DisplayString,
        hprIpAppnPortAppnTrafficType AppnTrafficType,
        hprIpAppnPortTOSPrecedence   AppnTOSPrecedence }

hprIpAppnPortName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..10))
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "Administratively assigned name for this APPN port.  If this
          object has the same value as the appnPortName in the APPN MIB,
          then the two objects are referring to the same APPN port."

      ::= { hprIpAppnPortEntry 1 }

hprIpAppnPortAppnTrafficType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX AppnTrafficType
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "APPN traffic type sent through the port."

      ::= { hprIpAppnPortEntry 2 }

hprIpAppnPortTOSPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX AppnTOSPrecedence
      MAX-ACCESS read-write
      STATUS current
          "A setting for the three TOS Precedence bits in the IP Type of
          Service field for this APPN traffic type.

          When this value is changed via a Set operation, the new setting
          for the TOS Precedence bits takes effect immediately, rather

          than waiting for some event such as reinitialization of the
          port or of the APPN node itself."

      ::= { hprIpAppnPortEntry 3 }

-- *******************************************************************
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "The HPR/IP link station table.  Values for TOS Precedence at
          the link station level override those at the level of the
          containing port.  If there is no entry in this table for a
          given link station, then that link station inherits its TOS
          Precedence values from its port."

      ::= { hprIp 3 }

      SYNTAX HprIpLsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "Entry of the HPR/IP link station table."

      INDEX { hprIpLsLsName,
              hprIpLsAppnTrafficType }

      ::= { hprIpLsTable 1 }

HprIpLsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hprIpLsLsName            DisplayString,
        hprIpLsAppnTrafficType   AppnTrafficType,
        hprIpLsTOSPrecedence     AppnTOSPrecedence,
        hprIpLsRowStatus         RowStatus }

      SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..10))
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "Administratively assigned name for the link station.  If this
          object has the same value as the appnLsName in the APPN MIB,
          then the two objects are referring to the same APPN link

      ::= { hprIpLsEntry 1 }

hprIpLsAppnTrafficType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX AppnTrafficType
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "APPN traffic type sent through the link station."

      ::= { hprIpLsEntry 2 }

hprIpLsTOSPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX AppnTOSPrecedence
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS current
          "A setting for the three TOS Precedence bits in the IP Type of
          Service field for this APPN traffic type.

          When this value is changed via a Set operation, the new setting
          for the TOS Precedence bits takes effect immediately, rather
          than waiting for some event such as reinitialization of the
          port or of the APPN node itself."

      ::= { hprIpLsEntry 3 }

hprIpLsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS current
          "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the
          hprIpLsTable.  As soon as an entry becomes active, the mapping
          between APPN traffic types and TOS Precedence settings that it
          specifies becomes effective.

          The value of the other accessible object in this entry,
          hprIpLsTOSPrecedence, can be changed via a Set operation when
          this object's value is active(1).

          An entry in this table is deleted by setting this object to
          destroy(6).  Deleting an entry in this table causes the
          link station to revert to the default TOS Precedence
          mapping for its port."

      ::= { hprIpLsEntry 4 }

-- *******************************************************************
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "The HPR/IP connection network table.  Values for TOS
          Precedence at the connection network level override those at
          the level of the containing port.  If there is no entry in
          this table for a given connection network, then that
          connection network inherits its TOS Precedence values from
          its port.

          A node may have connections to a given connection network
          through multiple ports.  There is no provision in the HPR-IP
          architecture for variations in TOS Precedence values for
          a single connection network based on the port through which
          traffic is flowing to the connection network.  Thus an entry
          in this table overrides the port-level settings for all the
          ports through which the node can reach the connection

      ::= { hprIp 4 }

      SYNTAX HprIpCnEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "Entry of the HPR/IP connection network table."

      INDEX { hprIpCnVrnName,
              hprIpCnAppnTrafficType }

      ::= { hprIpCnTable 1 }

HprIpCnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hprIpCnVrnName           SnaControlPointName,
        hprIpCnAppnTrafficType   AppnTrafficType,
        hprIpCnTOSPrecedence     AppnTOSPrecedence,
        hprIpCnRowStatus         RowStatus }

      SYNTAX SnaControlPointName
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "SNA control point name of the virtual routing node (VRN) that

          identifies the connection network in the APPN topology
          database.  If this object has the same value as the appnVrnName
          in the APPN MIB, then the two objects are referring
          to the same APPN VRN."

      ::= { hprIpCnEntry 1 }

hprIpCnAppnTrafficType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX AppnTrafficType
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS current
          "APPN traffic type sent to this connection network."

      ::= { hprIpCnEntry 2 }

hprIpCnTOSPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX AppnTOSPrecedence
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS current
          "A setting for the three TOS Precedence bits in the IP Type of
          Service field for this APPN traffic type.  This setting applies
          to all traffic sent to this connection network by this node,
          regardless of the port through which the traffic is sent.

          When this value is changed via a Set operation, the new setting
          for the TOS Precedence bits takes effect immediately, rather
          than waiting for some event such as reinitialization of a
          port or of the APPN node itself."
      ::= { hprIpCnEntry 3 }

hprIpCnRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS current
          "This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the
          hprIpCnTable.  As soon as an entry becomes active, the mapping
          between APPN traffic types and TOS Precedence settings that it
          specifies becomes effective.

          The value of the other accessible object in this entry,
          hprIpCnTOSPrecedence, can be changed via a Set operation when
          this object's value is active(1).

          An entry in this table is deleted by setting this object to
          destroy(6).  Deleting an entry in this table causes the

          connection network to revert to the default TOS Precedence
          mapping for each port through which it is accessed."

      ::= { hprIpCnEntry 4 }

-- *******************************************************************
-- Conformance Statement
-- *******************************************************************
-- Definitions imported from the HPR MIB:
--   hprConformance      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprMIB 2 }
--   hprCompliances      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprConformance 1 }
--   hprGroups           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprConformance 2 }

-- Compliance statements
       STATUS current
      "Compliance statement for the HPR over IP MIB module."
   MODULE   -- this module

   --  Conditionally mandatory groups
   GROUP hprIpMonitoringGroup
          "The hprIpMonitoringGroup is mandatory for APPN implementations
          supporting HPR over IP."

   GROUP hprIpConfigurationGroup
          "The hprIpConfigurationGroup is mandatory for APPN
          implementations supporting HPR over IP.  It may, however,
          be implemented as a collection of read-only objects."

   OBJECT hprIpAppnPortTOSPrecedence
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT hprIpLsTOSPrecedence
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT hprIpLsRowStatus
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT hprIpCnTOSPrecedence
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

   OBJECT hprIpCnRowStatus
   MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

::= { hprCompliances 2 }

-- Group definitions

hprIpMonitoringGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS { hprIpActiveLsUdpPackets }
      STATUS current
          "An object for counting outgoing HPR/IP traffic for each APPN
          traffic type."

::= { hprGroups 5 }

hprIpConfigurationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS { hprIpAppnPortTOSPrecedence,
                hprIpCnRowStatus }
      STATUS current
          "A collection of HPR/IP objects representing the mappings
          between APPN traffic types and TOS Precedence bits at the APPN
          port, APPN link station, and APPN connection network levels."

::= { hprGroups 6 }