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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » RFC » RFC1353-MIB

RFC1353-MIB device MIB details by RFC

RFC1353-MIB file content

The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing RFC1353-MIB.

Vendor: RFC
Mib: RFC1353-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- WinAgents MIB Extraction Wizard
-- Extracted from rfc1353.txt 16.03.2005 20:20:16


        internet    FROM RFC1155-SMI
        OBJECT-TYPE, mib-2           FROM RFC-1213;

snmpParties     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 20 }
partyAdmin      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpParties 1 }
partyPublic     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpParties 2 }

snmpSecrets     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 21 }
partyPrivate    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpSecrets 1 }
partyAccess     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpSecrets 2 }
partyViews      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpSecrets 3 }

--                  Textual Conventions

--    A textual convention denoting a SNMP party identifier:


--    A party's authentication clock - a non-negative integer
-- which is incremented as specified/allowed by the party's
-- Authentication Protocol.
--    For noAuth, a party's authentication clock is unused and

-- its value is undefined.
--    For md5AuthProtocol, a party's authentication clock is a
-- relative clock with 1-second granularity.

Clock ::= INTEGER (0..2147483647)

--    A textual convention denoting a transport service
-- address.
--    For rfc1351Domain, a TAddress is 6 octets long,
-- the initial 4 octets containing the IP-address in
-- network-byte order and the last 2 containing the
-- UDP port in network-byte order.


--- Definitions of Security Protocols

    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyAdmin 1 }

noAuth                  -- The protocol without authentication
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyProtocols 1 }

noPriv                  -- The protocol without privacy
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyProtocols 3 }

desPrivProtocol         -- The DES Privacy Protocol
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyProtocols 4 }

md5AuthProtocol         -- The MD5 Authentication Protocol
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyProtocols 5 }

--- definitions of Transport Domains

    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyAdmin 2 }

rfc1351Domain --- RFC-1351 (SNMP over UDP, using SNMP Parties)
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transportDomains 1 }

--- definitions of Proxy Domains

    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyAdmin 3 }

noProxy                --- Local operation
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { proxyDomains 1 }

---    Definition of Initial Party Identifiers

--  When devices are installed, they need to be configured
--  with an initial set of SNMP parties.  The configuration
--  of SNMP parties requires (among other things) the
--  assignment of several OBJECT IDENTIFIERs.  Any local
--  network administration can obtain the delegated
--  authority necessary to assign its own OBJECT
--  IDENTIFIERs.  However, to provide for those
--  administrations who have not obtained the necessary
--  authority, this document allocates a branch of the
--  naming tree for use with the following conventions.

    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyAdmin 4 }

--  Note these are identified as "initial" party identifiers
--  since these allow secure SNMP communication to proceed,
--  thereby allowing further SNMP parties to be configured
--  through use of the SNMP itself.

--  The following definitions identify a party identifier,
--  and specify the initial values of various object
--  instances indexed by that identifier.  In addition,
--  the initial MIB view and access control parameters
--  assigned, by convention, to these parties are identified.

--    Party Identifiers for use as initial SNMP parties
--       at IP address  a.b.c.d

-- partyIdentity            = { initialPartyId a b c d 1 }
-- partyTDomain             = { rfc1351Domain }
-- partyTAddress            = a.b.c.d, 161
-- partyProxyFor            = { noProxy }
-- partyAuthProtocol        = { noAuth }
-- partyAuthClock           = 0
-- partySecretsAuthPrivate  = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyAuthPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyAuthLifetime        = 0

-- partyPrivProtocol        = { noPriv }
-- partySecretsPrivPrivate  = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyPrivPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)

-- partyIdentity            = { initialPartyId a b c d 2 }
-- partyTDomain             = { rfc1351Domain }
-- partyTAddress            = assigned by local administration
-- partyProxyFor            = { noProxy }
-- partyAuthProtocol        = { noAuth }
-- partyAuthClock           = 0
-- partySecretsAuthPrivate  = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyAuthPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyAuthLifetime        = 0
-- partyPrivProtocol        = { noPriv }
-- partySecretsPrivPrivate  = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyPrivPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)

-- partyIdentity            = { initialPartyId a b c d 3 }
-- partyTDomain             = { rfc1351Domain }
-- partyTAddress            = a.b.c.d, 161
-- partyProxyFor            = { noProxy }
-- partyAuthProtocol        = { md5AuthProtocol }
-- partyAuthClock           = 0
-- partySecretsAuthPrivate  = assigned by local administration
-- partyAuthPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyAuthLifetime        = 300
-- partyPrivProtocol        = { noPriv }
-- partySecretsPrivPrivate  = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyPrivPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)

-- partyIdentity            = { initialPartyId a b c d 4 }
-- partyTDomain             = { rfc1351Domain }
-- partyTAddress            = assigned by local administration
-- partyProxyFor            = { noProxy }
-- partyAuthProtocol        = { md5AuthProtocol }
-- partyAuthClock           = 0
-- partySecretsAuthPrivate  = assigned by local administration
-- partyAuthPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyAuthLifetime        = 300
-- partyPrivProtocol        = { noPriv }
-- partySecretsPrivPrivate  = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyPrivPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)

-- partyIdentity            = { initialPartyId a b c d 5 }
-- partyTDomain             = { rfc1351Domain }
-- partyTAddress            = a.b.c.d, 161
-- partyProxyFor            = { noProxy }
-- partyAuthProtocol        = { md5AuthProtocol }

-- partyAuthClock           = 0
-- partySecretsAuthPrivate  = assigned by local administration
-- partyAuthPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyAuthLifetime        = 300
-- partyPrivProtocol        = { desPrivProtocol }
-- partySecretsPrivPrivate  = assigned by local administration
-- partyPrivPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)

-- partyIdentity            = { initialPartyId a b c d 6 }
-- partyTDomain             = { rfc1351Domain }
-- partyTAddress            = assigned by local administration
-- partyProxyFor            = { noProxy }
-- partyAuthProtocol        = { md5AuthProtocol }
-- partyAuthClock           = 0
-- partySecretsAuthPrivate  = assigned by local administration
-- partyAuthPublic          = ''h    (the empty string)
-- partyAuthLifetime        = 300
-- partyPrivProtocol        = { desPrivProtocol }
-- partySecretsPrivPrivate  = assigned by local administration
-- partyPrivPublic          = ''h   (the empty string)

--  The initial access control parameters assigned, by
--  convention, to these parties are:

-- aclTarget     = { initialPartyId a b c d 1 }
-- aclSubject    = { initialPartyId a b c d 2 }
-- aclPrivileges = 3 (Get & Get-Next)

-- aclTarget     = { initialPartyId a b c d 2 }
-- aclSubject    = { initialPartyId a b c d 1 }
-- aclPrivileges = 20 (GetResponse & Trap)

-- aclTarget     = { initialPartyId a b c d 3 }
-- aclSubject    = { initialPartyId a b c d 4 }
-- aclPrivileges = 11 (Get, Get-Next & Set)

-- aclTarget     = { initialPartyId a b c d 4 }
-- aclSubject    = { initialPartyId a b c d 3 }
-- aclPrivileges = 20 (GetResponse & Trap)

-- aclTarget     = { initialPartyId a b c d 5 }
-- aclSubject    = { initialPartyId a b c d 6 }
-- aclPrivileges = 11 (Get, Get-Next & Set)

-- aclTarget     = { initialPartyId a b c d 6 }
-- aclSubject    = { initialPartyId a b c d 5 }
-- aclPrivileges = 20 (GetResponse & Trap)

--  The initial MIB views assigned, by convention, to
--  these parties are:

-- viewParty    = { initialPartyId a b c d 1 }
-- viewSubtree  = { system }
-- viewStatus   = { included }
-- viewMask     = { ''h }

-- viewParty    = { initialPartyId a b c d 1 }
-- viewSubtree  = { snmpParties }
-- viewStatus   = { included }
-- viewMask     = { ''h }

-- viewParty    = { initialPartyId a b c d 3 }
-- viewSubtree  = { internet }
-- viewStatus   = { included }
-- viewMask     = { ''h }

-- viewParty    = { initialPartyId a b c d 3 }
-- viewSubtree  = { partyPrivate }
-- viewStatus   = { excluded }
-- viewMask     = { ''h }

-- viewParty    = { initialPartyId a b c d 5 }
-- viewSubtree  = { internet }
-- viewStatus   = { included }
-- viewMask     = { ''h }

--   The SNMP Party Public Database Group
-- The non-secret party information.
-- Implementation of the objects in this group is mandatory.

partyTable OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The SNMP Party Public database.

            An agent must ensure that there is, at all times,
            a one-to-one correspondence between entries in
            this table and entries in the partySecretsTable.

            The creation/deletion of instances in this table
            via SNMP Set-Requests is not allowed.  Instead,

            entries in this table are created/deleted as a
            side-effect of the creation/deletion of
            corresponding entries in the partySecretsTable.

            Thus, a SNMP Set-Request whose varbinds contain a
            reference to a non-existent instance of a
            partyTable object, but no reference to the
            corresponding instance of a partySecretsTable
            object, will be rejected."
::= { partyPublic 1 }

partyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  PartyEntry
    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "Locally held non-secret information about a
            particular SNMP party, which is available for
            access by network management.  Note that this does
            not include all locally held information about a
            party.  In particular, it does not include the
            'last-timestamp' (i.e., the timestamp of the last
            authentic message received) or the 'nonce'
    INDEX  { partyIdentity }
    ::= { partyTable 1 }

PartyEntry ::=
            OCTET STRING,

            OCTET STRING,

partyIdentity  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Party
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "A party identifier uniquely identifying a
            particular SNMP party."
    ::= { partyEntry 1 }

partyTDomain  OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "Indicates the kind of transport service by which
            the party receives network management traffic. An
            example of a transport domain is 'rfc1351Domain'
            (SNMP over UDP)."
    DEFVAL  { rfc1351Domain }
    ::= { partyEntry 2 }

partyTAddress  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  TAddress
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The transport service address by which the party
            receives network management traffic, formatted
            according to the corresponding value of
            partyTDomain.  For rfc1351Domain, partyTAddress is
            formatted as a 4-octet IP Address concatenated
            with a 2-octet UDP port number."
    DEFVAL  { '000000000000'h }
    ::= { partyEntry 3 }

partyProxyFor OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Party
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The identity of a second SNMP party or other

            management entity with which interaction may be
            necessary to satisfy received management requests.
            In this context, the distinguished value { noProxy
            } signifies that the party responds to received
            management requests by entirely local mechanisms."
    DEFVAL  { noProxy }
    ::= { partyEntry 4 }

partyAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The authentication protocol by which all messages
            generated by the party are authenticated as to
            origin and integrity.  In this context, the value
            { noAuth } signifies that messages generated by
            the party are not authenticated."
    DEFVAL  { md5AuthProtocol }
    ::= { partyEntry 5 }

partyAuthClock OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Clock
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The authentication clock which represents the
            local notion of the current time specific to the
            party.  This value must not be decremented unless
            the party's secret information is changed
            simultaneously, at which time the party's nonce
            and last-timestamp values must also be reset to
            zero, and the new value of the clock,
    DEFVAL  { 0 }
    ::= { partyEntry 6 }

partyAuthPublic OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  OCTET STRING -- for md5AuthProtocol: (SIZE (0..16))
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "A publically-readable value for the party.

            Depending on the party's authentication protocol,
            this value may be needed to support the party's
            authentication protocol.  Alternatively, it may be
            used by a manager during the procedure for

            altering secret information about a party.  (For
            example, by altering the value of an instance of
            this object in the same SNMP Set-Request used to
            update an instance of partyAuthPrivate, a
            subsequent Get-Request can determine if the Set-
            Request was successful in the event that no
            response to the Set-Request is received, see RFC

            The length of the value is dependent on the
            party's authentication protocol.  If not used by
            the authentication protocol, it is recommended
            that agents support values of any length up to and
            including the length of the corresponding
            partyAuthPrivate object."
    DEFVAL  { ''h }      -- the empty string

    ::= { partyEntry 7 }

partyAuthLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..2147483647)
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The lifetime (in units of seconds) which
            represents an administrative upper bound on
            acceptable delivery delay for protocol messages
            generated by the party."
    DEFVAL  { 300 }
    ::= { partyEntry 8 }

partyPrivProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The privacy protocol by which all protocol
            messages received by the party are protected from
            disclosure.  In this context, the value { noPriv }
            signifies that messages received by the party are
            not protected."
    DEFVAL  { noPriv }
    ::= { partyEntry 9 }

partyPrivPublic OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  OCTET STRING -- for desPrivProtocol: (SIZE (0..16))
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory

            "A publically-readable value for the party.

            Depending on the party's privacy protocol, this
            value may be needed to support the party's privacy
            protocol.  Alternatively, it may be used by a
            manager as a part of its procedure for altering
            secret information about a party.  (For example,
            by altering the value of an instance of this
            object in the same SNMP Set-Request used to update
            an instance of partyPrivPrivate, a subsequent
            Get-Request can determine if the Set-Request was
            successful in the event that no response to the
            Set-Request is received, see RFC 1352.)

            The length of the value is dependent on the
            party's privacy protocol.  If not used by the
            privacy protocol, it is recommended that agents
            support values of any length up to and including
            the length of the corresponding partyPrivPrivate
    DEFVAL  { ''h }     -- the empty string

    ::= { partyEntry 10 }

partyMaxMessageSize OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  INTEGER (484..65507)
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The maximum length in octets of a SNMP message
            which this party will accept.  For parties which
            execute at an agent, the agent initializes this
            object to the maximum length supported by the
            agent, and does not let the object be set to any
            larger value.  For parties which do not execute at
            the agent, the agent must allow the manager to set
            this object to any legal value, even if it is
            larger than the agent can generate."
    DEFVAL  { 484 }
    ::= { partyEntry 11 }

partyStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  INTEGER  { valid(1), invalid(2) }
    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The status of the locally-held information on a
            particular SNMP party.

            The instance of this object for a particular party
            and the instance of partySecretsStatus for the
            same party always have the same value.

            This object will typically provide unrestricted
            read-only access to the status of parties.  In
            contrast, partySecretsStatus will typically
            provide restricted read-write access to the status
            of parties."
    ::= { partyEntry 12 }

--   The SNMP Party Secrets Database Group

-- The secret party information
-- Implementation of the objects in this group is mandatory.

partySecretsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF PartySecretsEntry
    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The SNMP Party Secrets database."
::= { partyPrivate 1 }

partySecretsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  PartySecretsEntry
    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "Locally held secret information about a
            particular SNMP party, which is available for
            access by network management.

            When a SNMP Set-Request is used to update the
            values of instances of objects in this table, it
            is recommended that the same SNMP Set-Request also
            alter the value of a non-secret object instance
            (e.g., an instance of partyAuthPublic or
            partyPrivPublic).  This allows a Get-Request of
            that non-secret object instance to determine if
            the Set-Request was successful in the event that
            no response which matches the Set-Request is
            received, see RFC 1352."
    INDEX  { partySecretsIdentity }
    ::= { partySecretsTable 1 }

PartySecretsEntry ::=
            OCTET STRING,
            OCTET STRING,

partySecretsIdentity  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Party
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "A party identifier uniquely identifying a
            particular SNMP party."
    ::= { partySecretsEntry 1 }

partySecretsAuthPrivate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  OCTET STRING   -- for md5AuthProtocol: (SIZE (16))
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "An encoding of the party's private authentication
            key which may be needed to support the
            authentication protocol.  Although the value of
            this variable may be altered by a management
            operation (e.g., a SNMP Set-Request), its value
            can never be retrieved by a management operation:
            when read, the value of this variable is the zero
            length OCTET STRING.

            The private authentication key is NOT directly
            represented by the value of this variable, but
            rather it is represented according to an encoding.
            This encoding is the bitwise exclusive-OR of the
            old key with the new key, i.e., of the old private
            authentication key (prior to the alteration) with
            the new private authentication key (after the
            alteration).  Thus, when processing a received
            protocol Set operation, the new private
            authentication key is obtained from the value of
            this variable as the result of a bitwise
            exclusive-OR of the variable's value and the old
            private authentication key.  In calculating the

            exclusive-OR, if the old key is shorter than the
            new key, zero-valued padding is appended to the
            old key.  If no value for the old key exists, a
            zero-length OCTET STRING is used in the
    DEFVAL  { ''h }     -- the empty string

    ::= { partySecretsEntry 2 }

partySecretsPrivPrivate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  OCTET STRING   -- for desPrivProtocol: (SIZE (16))
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "An encoding of the party's private encryption key
            which may be needed to support the privacy
            protocol.  Although the value of this variable may
            be altered by a management operation (e.g., a SNMP
            Set-Request), its value can never be retrieved by
            a management operation: when read, the value of
            this variable is the zero length OCTET STRING.

            The private encryption key is NOT directly
            represented by the value of this variable, but
            rather it is represented according to an encoding.
            This encoding is the bitwise exclusive-OR of the
            old key with the new key, i.e., of the old private
            encryption key (prior to the alteration) with the
            new private encryption key (after the alteration).
            Thus, when processing a received protocol Set
            operation, the new private encryption key is
            obtained from the value of this variable as the
            result of a bitwise exclusive-OR of the variable's
            value and the old private encryption key.  In
            calculating the exclusive-OR, if the old key is
            shorter than the new key, zero-valued padding is
            appended to the old key.  If no value for the old
            key exists, a zero-length OCTET STRING is used in
            the calculation."
    DEFVAL  { ''h }     -- the empty string

    ::= { partySecretsEntry 3 }

partySecretsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  INTEGER  { valid(1), invalid(2) }
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The status of the locally-held information on a
            particular SNMP party.

            Setting an instance of this object to the value
            'valid(1)' has the effect of ensuring that valid
            local knowledge exists for the corresponding
            party.  For valid local knowledge to exist, there
            must be corresponding instances of each object in
            this table and in the partyTable.  Thus, the
            creation of instances in the partyTable (but not
            in the aclTable or viewTable) occurs as a direct
            result of the creation of instances in this table.

            Setting an instance of this object to the value
            'invalid(2)' has the effect of invalidating all
            local knowledge of the corresponding party,
            including the invalidating of any/all entries in
            the partyTable, the partySecretsTable, the
            aclTable, and the viewTable which reference said

            It is an implementation-specific matter as to
            whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
            from the table.  Accordingly, management stations
            must be prepared to receive from agents tabular
            information corresponding to entries not currently
            in use.  Proper interpretation of such entries
            requires examination of the relevant
            partySecretsStatus object."
    DEFVAL  { valid }
    ::= { partySecretsEntry 4 }

--  The SNMP Access Privileges Database Group

--  This group of objects allows the SNMP itself to be used to
--  configure new SNMP parties, or to manipulate the access
--  privileges of existing parties.
--  Implementation of the objects in this group is mandatory.

    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The access privileges database."
::= { partyAccess 1 }

    SYNTAX  AclEntry
    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The access privileges for a particular requesting
            SNMP party in accessing a particular target SNMP
    INDEX  { aclTarget, aclSubject }
    ::= { aclTable 1 }

AclEntry ::=

    SYNTAX  Party
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The target SNMP party whose performance of
            management operations is constrained by this set
            of access privileges."
    ::= { aclEntry 1 }

aclSubject OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Party
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The subject SNMP party whose requests for
            management operations to be performed is
            constrained by this set of access privileges."
    ::= { aclEntry 2 }

aclPrivileges OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..31)
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory

            "The access privileges which govern what
            management operations a particular target party
            may perform when requested by a particular subject
            party.  These privileges are specified as a sum of
            values, where each value specifies a SNMP PDU type
            by which the subject party may request a permitted
            operation.  The value for a particular PDU type is
            computed as 2 raised to the value of the ASN.1
            context-specific tag for the appropriate SNMP PDU
            type.  The values (for the tags defined in RFC
            1157) are defined in RFC 1351 as:

             Get         :   1
             GetNext     :   2
             GetResponse :   4
             Set         :   8
             Trap        :  16

            The null set is represented by the value zero."
    DEFVAL  { 3 }      -- Get & Get-Next

    ::= { aclEntry 3 }

    SYNTAX  INTEGER  { valid(1), invalid(2) }
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The status of the access privileges for a
            particular requesting SNMP party in accessing a
            particular target SNMP party.  Setting an instance
            of this object to the value 'invalid(2)' has the
            effect of invalidating the corresponding access

            It is an implementation-specific matter as to
            whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
            from the table.  Accordingly, management stations
            must be prepared to receive from agents tabular
            information corresponding to entries not currently
            in use.  Proper interpretation of such entries
            requires examination of the relevant aclStatus
    DEFVAL  { valid }
    ::= { aclEntry 4 }

--   The MIB View Database Group

--  This group of objects allows the SNMP itself to be used to
--  configure new SNMP parties, or to manipulate the MIB
--  MIB views of existing parties.
--  Implementation of the objects in this group is mandatory.

    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The table contained in the local database which
            defines local MIB views.  Each SNMP party has a
            single MIB view which is defined by two
            collections of view subtrees: the included view
            subtrees, and the excluded view subtrees.  Every
            such subtree, both included and excluded, is
            defined in this table.

            To determine if a particular object instance is in
            a particular SNMP party's MIB view, compare the
            object instance's Object Identifier with each
            entry (for this party) in this table.  If none
            match, then the object instance is not in the MIB
            view.  If one or more match, then the object
            instance is included in, or excluded from, the MIB
            view according to the value of viewStatus in the
            entry whose value of viewSubtree has the most
            sub-identifiers.  If multiple entries match and
            have the same number of sub-identifiers, then the
            lexicographically greatest instance of viewStatus
            determines the inclusion or exclusion.

            An object instance's Object Identifier X matches
            an entry in this table when the number of sub-
            identifiers in X is at least as many as in the
            value of viewSubtree for the entry, and each sub-
            identifier in the value of viewSubtree matches its
            corresponding sub-identifier in X.  Two sub-
            identifiers match either if the corresponding bit
            of viewMask is zero (the 'wild card' value), or if
            they are equal.

            Due to this 'wild card' capability, we introduce
            the term, a 'family' of view subtrees, to refer to

            the set of subtrees defined by a particular
            combination of values of viewSubtree and viewMask.
            In the case where no 'wild card' is defined in
            viewMask, the family of view subtrees reduces to a
            single view subtree."
::= { partyViews 1 }

    SYNTAX  ViewEntry
    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "Information on a particular family of view
            subtrees included in or excluded from a particular
            SNMP party's MIB view."
    INDEX  { viewParty, viewSubtree }
    ::= { viewTable 1 }

ViewEntry ::=
            OCTET STRING

viewParty  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Party
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The SNMP party whose single MIB view includes or
            excludes a particular family of view subtrees."
    ::= { viewEntry 1 }

viewSubtree OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The view subtree which, in combination with the
            corresponding instance of viewMask, defines a
            family of view subtrees.  This family is included
            in, or excluded from the particular SNMP party's

            MIB view, according to the value of the
            corresponding instance of viewStatus."
    ::= { viewEntry 2 }

viewStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The status of a particular family of view
            subtrees within the particular SNMP party's MIB
            view.  The value 'included(1)' indicates that the
            corresponding instances of viewSubtree and
            viewMask define a family of view subtrees included
            in the MIB view.  The  value 'excluded(2)'
            indicates that the corresponding instances of
            viewSubtree and viewMask define a family of view
            subtrees excluded from the MIB view.

            Setting an instance of this object to the value
            'invalid(3)' has the effect of invalidating the
            presence or absence of the corresponding family of
            view subtrees in the corresponding SNMP party's
            MIB view.

            It is an implementation-specific matter as to
            whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
            from the table.  Accordingly, management stations
            must be prepared to receive from agents tabular
            information corresponding to entries not currently
            in use.  Proper interpretation of such entries
            requires examination of the relevant viewStatus
    DEFVAL  { included }
    ::= { viewEntry 3 }

    ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The bit mask which, in combination with the
            corresponding instance of viewSubtree, defines a
            family of view subtrees.

            Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a sub-
            identifier of viewSubtree, with the most
            significant bit of the i-th octet of this octet
            string value (extended if necessary, see below)
            corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th sub-identifier,
            and the least significant bit of the i-th octet of
            this octet string corresponding to the (8*i)-th
            sub-identifier, where i is in the range 1 through

            Each bit of this bit mask specifies whether or not
            the corresponding sub-identifiers must match when
            determining if an Object Identifier is in this
            family of view subtrees; a '1' indicates that an
            exact match must occur; a '0' indicates 'wild
            card', i.e., any sub-identifier value matches.

            Thus, the Object Identifier X of an object
            instance is contained in a family of view subtrees
            if the following criteria are met:

                 for each sub-identifier of the value of
                 viewSubtree, either:

                      the i-th bit of viewMask is 0, or

                      the i-th sub-identifier of X is equal to
                      the i-th sub-identifier of the value of

            If the value of this bit mask is M bits long and
            there are more than M sub-identifiers in the
            corresponding instance of viewSubtree, then the
            bit mask is extended with 1's to be the required

            Note that when the value of this object is the
            zero-length string, this extension rule results in
            a mask of all-1's being used (i.e., no 'wild
            card'), and the family of view subtrees is the one
            view subtree uniquely identified by the
            corresponding instance of viewSubtree."
    DEFVAL  { ''h }
    ::= { viewEntry 4 }