rsvpSessionNumber |
. |
The number of this session. This is for SNMP
Indexing purposes only and has no relation to
any protocol value.
rsvpSessionType |
. |
The type of session (IP4, IP6, IP6 with flow
information, etc).
rsvpSessionDestAddr |
. |
The destination address used by all senders in
this session. This object may not be changed
when the value of the RowStatus object is 'ac-
rsvpSessionDestAddrLength |
. |
The CIDR prefix length of the session address,
which is 32 for IP4 host and multicast ad-
dresses, and 128 for IP6 addresses. This ob-
ject may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpSessionProtocol |
. |
The IP Protocol used by this session. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpSessionPort |
. |
The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina-
tion port for all senders in this session. If
the IP protocol in use, specified by rsvpSen-
derProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this
represents a virtual destination port number.
A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol
in use does not have ports. This object may
not be changed when the value of the RowStatus
object is 'active'.
rsvpSessionSenders |
. |
The number of distinct senders currently known
to be part of this session.
rsvpSessionReceivers |
. |
The number of reservations being requested of
this system for this session.
rsvpSessionRequests |
. |
The number of reservation requests this system
is sending upstream for this session.
rsvpSenderNumber |
. |
The number of this sender. This is for SNMP
Indexing purposes only and has no relation to
any protocol value.
rsvpSenderType |
. |
The type of session (IP4, IP6, IP6 with flow
information, etc).
rsvpSenderDestAddr |
. |
The destination address used by all senders in
this session. This object may not be changed
when the value of the RowStatus object is 'ac-
rsvpSenderAddr |
. |
The source address used by this sender in this
session. This object may not be changed when
the value of the RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpSenderDestAddrLength |
. |
The length of the destination address in bits.
This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4
hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpSenderAddrLength |
. |
The length of the sender's address in bits.
This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4
hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpSenderProtocol |
. |
The IP Protocol used by this session. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpSenderDestPort |
. |
The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina-
tion port for all senders in this session. If
the IP protocol in use, specified by rsvpSen-
derProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this
represents a virtual destination port number.
A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol
in use does not have ports. This object may
not be changed when the value of the RowStatus
object is 'active'.
rsvpSenderPort |
. |
The UDP or TCP port number used as a source
port for this sender in this session. If the
IP protocol in use, specified by rsvpSenderPro-
tocol is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a
generalized port identifier (GPI). A value of
zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does
not have ports. This object may not be changed
when the value of the RowStatus object is 'ac-
rsvpSenderFlowId |
. |
The flow ID that this sender is using, if
this is an IPv6 session.
rsvpSenderHopAddr |
. |
The address used by the previous RSVP hop
(which may be the original sender).
rsvpSenderHopLih |
. |
The Logical Interface Handle used by the pre-
vious RSVP hop (which may be the original
rsvpSenderInterface |
. |
The ifIndex value of the interface on which
this PATH message was most recently received.
rsvpSenderTSpecRate |
. |
The Average Bit Rate of the sender's data
stream. Within a transmission burst, the ar-
rival rate may be as fast as rsvpSenderTSpec-
PeakRate (if supported by the service model);
however, averaged across two or more burst in-
tervals, the rate should not exceed rsvpSen-
Note that this is a prediction, often based on
the general capability of a type of codec or
particular encoding; the measured average rate
may be significantly lower.
rsvpSenderTSpecPeakRate |
. |
The Peak Bit Rate of the sender's data stream.
Traffic arrival is not expected to exceed this
rate at any time, apart from the effects of
jitter in the network. If not specified in the
TSpec, this returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderTSpecBurst |
. |
The size of the largest burst expected from
the sender at a time.
rsvpSenderTSpecMinTU |
. |
The minimum message size for this flow. The
policing algorithm will treat smaller messages
as though they are this size.
rsvpSenderTSpecMaxTU |
. |
The maximum message size for this flow. The
admission algorithm will reject TSpecs whose
Maximum Transmission Unit, plus the interface
headers, exceed the interface MTU.
rsvpSenderInterval |
. |
The interval between refresh messages as ad-
vertised by the Previous Hop.
rsvpSenderRSVPHop |
. |
If TRUE, the node believes that the previous
IP hop is an RSVP hop. If FALSE, the node be-
lieves that the previous IP hop may not be an
RSVP hop.
rsvpSenderLastChange |
. |
The time of the last change in this PATH mes-
sage; This is either the first time it was re-
ceived or the time of the most recent change in
rsvpSenderPolicy |
. |
The contents of the policy object, displayed
as an uninterpreted string of octets, including
the object header. In the absence of such an
object, this should be of zero length.
rsvpSenderAdspecBreak |
. |
The global break bit general characterization
parameter from the ADSPEC. If TRUE, at least
one non-IS hop was detected in the path. If
FALSE, no non-IS hops were detected.
rsvpSenderAdspecHopCount |
. |
The hop count general characterization parame-
ter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or
noSuchValue indicates one of the following con-
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
rsvpSenderAdspecPathBw |
. |
The path bandwidth estimate general character-
ization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of
zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol-
lowing conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
rsvpSenderAdspecMinLatency |
. |
The minimum path latency general characteriza-
tion parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of
zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol-
lowing conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
rsvpSenderAdspecMtu |
. |
The composed Maximum Transmission Unit general
characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A
return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of
the following conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc |
. |
If TRUE, the ADSPEC contains a Guaranteed Ser-
vice fragment. If FALSE, the ADSPEC does not
contain a Guaranteed Service fragment.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedBreak |
. |
If TRUE, the Guaranteed Service fragment has
its 'break' bit set, indicating that one or
more nodes along the path do not support the
guaranteed service. If FALSE, and rsvpSen-
derAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, the 'break' bit
is not set.
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns FALSE or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedCtot |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, this
is the end-to-end composed value for the
guaranteed service 'C' parameter. A return of
zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol-
lowing conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedDtot |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, this
is the end-to-end composed value for the
guaranteed service 'D' parameter. A return of
zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol-
lowing conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedCsum |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, this
is the composed value for the guaranteed ser-
vice 'C' parameter since the last reshaping
point. A return of zero or noSuchValue indi-
cates one of the following conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedDsum |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, this
is the composed value for the guaranteed ser-
vice 'D' parameter since the last reshaping
point. A return of zero or noSuchValue indi-
cates one of the following conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedHopCount |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, this
is the service-specific override of the hop
count general characterization parameter from
the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue
indicates one of the following conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedPathBw |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, this
is the service-specific override of the path
bandwidth estimate general characterization
parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or
noSuchValue indicates one of the following con-
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedMinLatency |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, this
is the service-specific override of the minimum
path latency general characterization parameter
from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuch-
Value indicates one of the following condi-
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedMtu |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is TRUE, this
is the service-specific override of the com-
posed Maximum Transmission Unit general charac-
terization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return
of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the
following conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc |
. |
If TRUE, the ADSPEC contains a Controlled Load
Service fragment. If FALSE, the ADSPEC does
not contain a Controlled Load Service frag-
rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadBreak |
. |
If TRUE, the Controlled Load Service fragment
has its 'break' bit set, indicating that one or
more nodes along the path do not support the
controlled load service. If FALSE, and
rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is TRUE, the
'break' bit is not set.
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is FALSE, this
returns FALSE or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadHopCount |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is TRUE, this
is the service-specific override of the hop
count general characterization parameter from
the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue
indicates one of the following conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadPathBw |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is TRUE, this
is the service-specific override of the path
bandwidth estimate general characterization
parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or
noSuchValue indicates one of the following con-
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadMinLatency |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is TRUE, this
is the service-specific override of the minimum
path latency general characterization parameter
from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuch-
Value indicates one of the following condi-
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadMtu |
. |
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is TRUE, this
is the service-specific override of the com-
posed Maximum Transmission Unit general charac-
terization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return
of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the
following conditions:
the invalid bit was set
the parameter was not present
If rsvpSenderAdspecCtrlLoadSvc is FALSE, this
returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpSenderStatus |
. |
'active' for all active PATH messages. This
object may be used to install static PATH in-
formation or delete PATH information.
rsvpSenderTTL |
. |
The TTL value in the RSVP header that was last
rsvpSenderOutInterfaceStatus |
. |
'active' for all active PATH messages.
rsvpResvNumber |
. |
The number of this reservation request. This
is for SNMP Indexing purposes only and has no
relation to any protocol value.
rsvpResvType |
. |
The type of session (IP4, IP6, IP6 with flow
information, etc).
rsvpResvDestAddr |
. |
The destination address used by all senders in
this session. This object may not be changed
when the value of the RowStatus object is 'ac-
rsvpResvSenderAddr |
. |
The source address of the sender selected by
this reservation. The value of all zeroes in-
dicates 'all senders'. This object may not be
changed when the value of the RowStatus object
is 'active'.
rsvpResvDestAddrLength |
. |
The length of the destination address in bits.
This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4
hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpResvSenderAddrLength |
. |
The length of the sender's address in bits.
This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4
hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpResvProtocol |
. |
The IP Protocol used by this session. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpResvDestPort |
. |
The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina-
tion port for all senders in this session. If
the IP protocol in use, specified by
rsvpResvProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this
represents a virtual destination port number.
A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol
in use does not have ports. This object may
not be changed when the value of the RowStatus
object is 'active'.
rsvpResvPort |
. |
The UDP or TCP port number used as a source
port for this sender in this session. If the
IP protocol in use, specified by rsvpResvProto-
col is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a
generalized port identifier (GPI). A value of
zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does
not have ports. This object may not be changed
when the value of the RowStatus object is 'ac-
rsvpResvHopAddr |
. |
The address used by the next RSVP hop (which
may be the ultimate receiver).
rsvpResvHopLih |
. |
The Logical Interface Handle received from the
previous RSVP hop (which may be the ultimate
rsvpResvInterface |
. |
The ifIndex value of the interface on which
this RESV message was most recently received.
rsvpResvService |
. |
The QoS Service classification requested by
the receiver.
rsvpResvTSpecRate |
. |
The Average Bit Rate of the sender's data
stream. Within a transmission burst, the ar-
rival rate may be as fast as rsvpResvTSpec-
PeakRate (if supported by the service model);
however, averaged across two or more burst in-
tervals, the rate should not exceed
Note that this is a prediction, often based on
the general capability of a type of codec or
particular encoding; the measured average rate
may be significantly lower.
rsvpResvTSpecPeakRate |
. |
The Peak Bit Rate of the sender's data stream.
Traffic arrival is not expected to exceed this
rate at any time, apart from the effects of
jitter in the network. If not specified in the
TSpec, this returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpResvTSpecBurst |
. |
The size of the largest burst expected from
the sender at a time.
If this is less than the sender's advertised
burst size, the receiver is asking the network
to provide flow pacing beyond what would be
provided under normal circumstances. Such pac-
ing is at the network's option.
rsvpResvTSpecMinTU |
. |
The minimum message size for this flow. The
policing algorithm will treat smaller messages
as though they are this size.
rsvpResvTSpecMaxTU |
. |
The maximum message size for this flow. The
admission algorithm will reject TSpecs whose
Maximum Transmission Unit, plus the interface
headers, exceed the interface MTU.
rsvpResvRSpecRate |
. |
If the requested service is Guaranteed, as
specified by rsvpResvService, this is the
clearing rate that is being requested. Other-
wise, it is zero, or the agent may return
rsvpResvRSpecSlack |
. |
If the requested service is Guaranteed, as
specified by rsvpResvService, this is the delay
slack. Otherwise, it is zero, or the agent may
return noSuchValue.
rsvpResvInterval |
. |
The interval between refresh messages as ad-
vertised by the Next Hop.
rsvpResvScope |
. |
The contents of the scope object, displayed as
an uninterpreted string of octets, including
the object header. In the absence of such an
object, this should be of zero length.
If the length is non-zero, this contains a
series of IP4 or IP6 addresses.
rsvpResvShared |
. |
If TRUE, a reservation shared among senders is
requested. If FALSE, a reservation specific to
this sender is requested.
rsvpResvExplicit |
. |
If TRUE, individual senders are listed using
Filter Specifications. If FALSE, all senders
are implicitly selected. The Scope Object will
contain a list of senders that need to receive
this reservation request for the purpose of
routing the RESV message.
rsvpResvRSVPHop |
. |
If TRUE, the node believes that the previous
IP hop is an RSVP hop. If FALSE, the node be-
lieves that the previous IP hop may not be an
RSVP hop.
rsvpResvLastChange |
. |
The time of the last change in this reserva-
tion request; This is either the first time it
was received or the time of the most recent
change in parameters.
rsvpResvPolicy |
. |
The contents of the policy object, displayed
as an uninterpreted string of octets, including
the object header. In the absence of such an
object, this should be of zero length.
rsvpResvStatus |
. |
'active' for all active RESV messages. This
object may be used to install static RESV in-
formation or delete RESV information.
rsvpResvTTL |
. |
The TTL value in the RSVP header that was last
rsvpResvFlowId |
. |
The flow ID that this receiver is using, if
this is an IPv6 session.
rsvpResvFwdNumber |
. |
The number of this reservation request. This
is for SNMP Indexing purposes only and has no
relation to any protocol value.
rsvpResvFwdType |
. |
The type of session (IP4, IP6, IP6 with flow
information, etc).
rsvpResvFwdDestAddr |
. |
The destination address used by all senders in
this session. This object may not be changed
when the value of the RowStatus object is 'ac-
rsvpResvFwdSenderAddr |
. |
The source address of the sender selected by
this reservation. The value of all zeroes in-
dicates 'all senders'. This object may not be
changed when the value of the RowStatus object
is 'active'.
rsvpResvFwdDestAddrLength |
. |
The length of the destination address in bits.
This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4
hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpResvFwdSenderAddrLength |
. |
The length of the sender's address in bits.
This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4
hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This
object may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpResvFwdProtocol |
. |
The IP Protocol used by a session. for secure
sessions, this indicates IP Security. This ob-
ject may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpResvFwdDestPort |
. |
The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina-
tion port for all senders in this session. If
the IP protocol in use, specified by
rsvpResvFwdProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH),
this represents a virtual destination port
number. A value of zero indicates that the IP
protocol in use does not have ports. This ob-
ject may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpResvFwdPort |
. |
The UDP or TCP port number used as a source
port for this sender in this session. If the
IP protocol in use, specified by
rsvpResvFwdProtocol is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH),
this represents a generalized port identifier
(GPI). A value of zero indicates that the IP
protocol in use does not have ports. This ob-
ject may not be changed when the value of the
RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpResvFwdHopAddr |
. |
The address of the (previous) RSVP that will
receive this message.
rsvpResvFwdHopLih |
. |
The Logical Interface Handle sent to the (pre-
vious) RSVP that will receive this message.
rsvpResvFwdInterface |
. |
The ifIndex value of the interface on which
this RESV message was most recently sent.
rsvpResvFwdService |
. |
The QoS Service classification requested.
rsvpResvFwdTSpecRate |
. |
The Average Bit Rate of the sender's data
stream. Within a transmission burst, the ar-
rival rate may be as fast as rsvpResvFwdTSpec-
PeakRate (if supported by the service model);
however, averaged across two or more burst in-
tervals, the rate should not exceed
Note that this is a prediction, often based on
the general capability of a type of codec or
particular encoding; the measured average rate
may be significantly lower.
rsvpResvFwdTSpecPeakRate |
. |
The Peak Bit Rate of the sender's data stream
Traffic arrival is not expected to exceed this
rate at any time, apart from the effects of
jitter in the network. If not specified in the
TSpec, this returns zero or noSuchValue.
rsvpResvFwdTSpecBurst |
. |
The size of the largest burst expected from
the sender at a time.
If this is less than the sender's advertised
burst size, the receiver is asking the network
to provide flow pacing beyond what would be
provided under normal circumstances. Such pac-
ing is at the network's option.
rsvpResvFwdTSpecMinTU |
. |
The minimum message size for this flow. The
policing algorithm will treat smaller messages
as though they are this size.
rsvpResvFwdTSpecMaxTU |
. |
The maximum message size for this flow. The
admission algorithm will reject TSpecs whose
Maximum Transmission Unit, plus the interface
headers, exceed the interface MTU.
rsvpResvFwdRSpecRate |
. |
If the requested service is Guaranteed, as
specified by rsvpResvService, this is the
clearing rate that is being requested. Other-
wise, it is zero, or the agent may return
rsvpResvFwdRSpecSlack |
. |
If the requested service is Guaranteed, as
specified by rsvpResvService, this is the delay
slack. Otherwise, it is zero, or the agent may
return noSuchValue.
rsvpResvFwdInterval |
. |
The interval between refresh messages adver-
tised to the Previous Hop.
rsvpResvFwdScope |
. |
The contents of the scope object, displayed as
an uninterpreted string of octets, including
the object header. In the absence of such an
object, this should be of zero length.
rsvpResvFwdShared |
. |
If TRUE, a reservation shared among senders is
requested. If FALSE, a reservation specific to
this sender is requested.
rsvpResvFwdExplicit |
. |
If TRUE, individual senders are listed using
Filter Specifications. If FALSE, all senders
are implicitly selected. The Scope Object will
contain a list of senders that need to receive
this reservation request for the purpose of
routing the RESV message.
rsvpResvFwdRSVPHop |
. |
If TRUE, the node believes that the next IP
hop is an RSVP hop. If FALSE, the node be-
lieves that the next IP hop may not be an RSVP
rsvpResvFwdLastChange |
. |
The time of the last change in this request;
This is either the first time it was sent or
the time of the most recent change in parame-
rsvpResvFwdPolicy |
. |
The contents of the policy object, displayed
as an uninterpreted string of octets, including
the object header. In the absence of such an
object, this should be of zero length.
rsvpResvFwdStatus |
. |
'active' for all active RESV messages. This
object may be used to delete RESV information.
rsvpResvFwdTTL |
. |
The TTL value in the RSVP header that was last
rsvpResvFwdFlowId |
. |
The flow ID that this receiver is using, if
this is an IPv6 session.
rsvpIfUdpNbrs |
. |
The number of neighbors perceived to be using
only the RSVP UDP Encapsulation.
rsvpIfIpNbrs |
. |
The number of neighbors perceived to be using
only the RSVP IP Encapsulation.
rsvpIfNbrs |
. |
The number of neighbors currently perceived;
this will exceed rsvpIfIpNbrs + rsvpIfUdpNbrs
by the number of neighbors using both encapsu-
rsvpIfRefreshBlockadeMultiple |
. |
The value of the RSVP value 'Kb', Which is the
minimum number of refresh intervals that
blockade state will last once entered.
rsvpIfRefreshMultiple |
. |
The value of the RSVP value 'K', which is the
number of refresh intervals which must elapse
(minimum) before a PATH or RESV message which
is not being refreshed will be aged out.
rsvpIfTTL |
. |
The value of SEND_TTL used on this interface
for messages this node originates. If set to
zero, the node determines the TTL via other
rsvpIfRefreshInterval |
. |
The value of the RSVP value 'R', which is the
minimum period between refresh transmissions of
a given PATH or RESV message on an interface.
rsvpIfRouteDelay |
. |
The approximate period from the time a route
is changed to the time a resulting message ap-
pears on the interface.
rsvpIfEnabled |
. |
If TRUE, RSVP is enabled on this Interface.
If FALSE, RSVP is not enabled on this inter-
rsvpIfUdpRequired |
. |
If TRUE, manual configuration forces the use
of UDP encapsulation on the interface. If
FALSE, UDP encapsulation is only used if rsvpI-
fUdpNbrs is not zero.
rsvpIfStatus |
. |
'active' on interfaces that are configured for
rsvpNbrAddress |
. |
The IP4 or IP6 Address used by this neighbor.
This object may not be changed when the value
of the RowStatus object is 'active'.
rsvpNbrProtocol |
. |
The encapsulation being used by this neigh-
rsvpNbrStatus |
. |
'active' for all neighbors. This object may
be used to configure neighbors. In the pres-
ence of configured neighbors, the implementa-
tion may (but is not required to) limit the set
of valid neighbors to those configured.