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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Compatible Systems Corp » COMPAT-MIB

COMPAT-MIB device MIB details by Compatible Systems Corp

COMPAT-MIB file content

The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing COMPAT-MIB.

Vendor: Compatible Systems Corp
Mib: COMPAT-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
  -- ****************************************************************
  -- Copyright (c) 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
  -- All rights reserved.
  -- The document relies upon the Structure of Management Information
  -- (SMI), RFC1155.  It is presented in a format described in RFC1212,
  -- the Concise MIB document.
  -- Text lines in this MIB must be no longer than 72 characters
  -- and tabs aren't recommended.
  -- $Revision: 1.11 $
  -- $Date: 2002/04/30 15:09:07 $
  -- ****************************************************************


	    enterprises, IpAddress, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks
	      FROM RFC1155-SMI
	      FROM RFC-1212;
       -- Textual conventions

       DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING
       -- This data type is used to model textual information taken
       -- from the NVT ASCII character set.  By convention, objects
       -- with this syntax are declared as having
       --      SIZE (0..255)

       compatible             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 255 }

       compatVars             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compatible 1 }
       compatVPN              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compatible 2 }

       vpnLoginTable          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compatVPN 1 }
       vPNTunnelTable         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compatVPN 2 }

    -- The Login Stat Group

    -- The system configuration group defines all the variables
    -- associated with login stats.

      failedLogins  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  Counter
      ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  mandatory
         "The number of failed logins since boot time."
      ::= { vpnLoginTable 1 }

      failedSecurID  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  Counter
      ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  mandatory
         "The number of failed Secure ID logins since boot time."
      ::= { vpnLoginTable 2 }

      failedRadiusAuth   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  Counter
      ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  mandatory
         "The number of failed RADIUS logins since boot time."
      ::= { vpnLoginTable 3 }

      processorUtilizationPercentage  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  Gauge
      ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  mandatory
         "The percentage of time the processor is spending not idle."
      ::= { compatVars 1 }

	vpnTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VpnTunnelTableEntry
		ACCESS not-accessible
		STATUS mandatory
		   "This table contains information useful
		    when tracking vpn tunnels currently active for this NAS."
		::= { vPNTunnelTable 1 }

	vpnTunnelTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  VpnTunnelTableEntry
		ACCESS  not-accessible
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "The tunnel active table. An entry in this table is
            uniquely identified by the value of the
            vpnTunnelTableIndex variable to which the entry refers."
		INDEX   { vpnTunnelTableIndex }
		::= { vpnTunnelTable 1 }

	VpnTunnelTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
		vpnTunnelTableIndex				INTEGER,
		vpnTunnelTableUserName				DisplayString,
		vpnTunnelTableGroupName				DisplayString,
		vpnTunnelTableIpAddress				IpAddress,
		vpnTunnelTableAssignedIpAddress  IpAddress,
		vpnTunnelTableIpBytesRcvd			Counter,
		vpnTunnelTableIpBytesSent			Counter,
		vpnTunnelTableIpxBytesRcvd			Counter,
		vpnTunnelTableIpxBytesSent			Counter,
		vpnTunnelTableAppletalkBytesRcvd	Counter,
		vpnTunnelTableAppletalkBytesSent	Counter,
		vpnTunnelTableUptime				TimeTicks,
		vpnTunnelTableLatency				INTEGER,
		vpnTunnelTableBandwidthOut	 		INTEGER,
		vpnTunnelTableBandwidthReturn		INTEGER

	vpnTunnelTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
           "A unique value, greater than zero, for each tunnel
        ::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 1 }

	vpnTunnelTableUserName OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  DisplayString(SIZE(0..255))
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "The name of the VPN user"
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 2 }

	vpnTunnelTableGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  DisplayString(SIZE(0..255))
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "The name of the VPN group"
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 3 }

	vpnTunnelTableIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  IpAddress
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "The VPN partner's IP Address."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 4 }

	vpnTunnelTableAssignedIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  IpAddress
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "The Client's dynamically assigned IP Address."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 5 }

	vpnTunnelTableIpBytesRcvd OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  Counter
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
           "The total number of inbound IP bytes 
            handled by this tunnel as counted by the STEP layer."
        ::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 6 }

	vpnTunnelTableIpBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  Counter
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
           "The total number of outbound IP bytes 
            handled by this tunnel as counted by the STEP layer."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 7 }

	vpnTunnelTableIpxBytesRcvd OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  Counter
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
           "The total number of inbound IPX bytes 
            handled by this tunnel as counted by the STEP layer."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 8 }

	vpnTunnelTableIpxBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  Counter
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
           "The total number of outbound IPX bytes 
            handled by this tunnel as counted by the STEP layer."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 9 }

	vpnTunnelTableAppletalkBytesRcvd OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  Counter
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
           "The total number of inbound Appletalk bytes 
            handled by this tunnel as counted by the STEP layer."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 10 }

	vpnTunnelTableAppletalkBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  Counter
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
           "The total number of outbound Appletalk bytes 
            handled by this tunnel as counted by the STEP layer."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 11 }

	vpnTunnelTableUptime OBJECT-TYPE
		SYNTAX  TimeTicks
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "The time since the tunnel was established."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 12 }

	vpnTunnelTableLatency OBJECT-TYPE
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "SLA latency metric."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 13 }

	vpnTunnelTableBandwidthOut OBJECT-TYPE
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "SLA metric for measuring outbound
		    data bandwidth through this tunnel."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 14 }

	vpnTunnelTableBandwidthReturn OBJECT-TYPE
		ACCESS  read-only
		STATUS  mandatory
		   "SLA metric for measuring inbound
		    data bandwidth through this tunnel."
		::= { vpnTunnelTableEntry 15 }